Sunday, November 30, 2008

Evan on Google

Earlier today I decided to Google myself. All of the results were of me personally and not of possible "Googlegangers," people who I share the same name with. The vast majority of the sites that popped up under my name dealt with my swimming career, from very early to very recent news. Other results displayed work from my blog. In general, I would say that I google quite well.

The digital impression available of me over the internet, in my personal opinion, is rather good. I have a very unique name so all the results pertain to me personally and almost all the results display highlights of my academic and athletic careers. I am quite happy to have such a unique digital profile. I believe that most employers would be impressed with the results they would find should they Google my name.

Having such a unique profile could potentially raise a threat to my potential career path should bad information trickle onto it. For example, an ABC News article came up under news results form this summer. It was about a drowning that occurred at the UMBC pool of which I was the guard on duty. The article stated I was complacent. Information such as this could pose a threat; however, I am mostly pleased with my digital profile.

Peace, Love

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