Monday, May 11, 2009

An Analysis of the Public Sphere in a Post-Industrial, Capitalist Mass Democracy

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by roseva1

If you have been directed here please watch this short powerpoint presentation about Jurgen Habermas and his theory of the public sphere. Please post comments and tell me what you think. I will be using these comments to make assertions about the strength of the public sphere through the internet in regards to this specific project. A final conclusion video will be posted in about one week in which I will discuss my findings. Thank you very much.

Important Links from the Powerpoint
Bloggers Unite to Fight
Robert Reich's Economic Blog
YouTube's "News and Politics" Channel
Weblogs and the Public Sphere

Want to Know More? Here's a short YouTube video (not made by me) about the Public Sphere

An Analysis of the Public Sphere in a Post-Industrial, Capitalist Mass Democracy